Stretch marks impact millions of people around the world. They are caused by stretching of the skin, which loses elasticity and rips. They are most common among others: on the thighs, glutes, arms, abdomen and breasts. What are the causes of stretch marks? Why do they appear?

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are caused by abnormalities, damage to the collagen and elastin fibres of the dermis, which resemble a scar. They turn red or slightly purple in the initial phase and then fade over time. Red stretch marks resemble small and branching cracks, which can cause itching and burning. The skin in the area where they occur is much thinner and has no so-called appendages, such as sweat glands and hair follicles.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

The most common causes of stretch marks are:

How to Prevent Stretch Marks?

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Using an expensive cream for stretch marks but not seeing any results? It’s frustrating to combat something that can never be fully eliminated. Since you can’t completely get rid of stretch marks, the best approach is to prevent them from forming. Here’s what you can do to keep your skin firm and smooth:

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

The progression of stretch marks can be divided into two phases: the inflammatory phase and the atrophic phase. In the first phase, stretch marks appear red, pink, or purple. During this time, the skin attempts to repair the damage, making it a good opportunity to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The best approach during this phase is to use anti-inflammatory preparations. It is also important to keep the skin well-oiled and moisturized using suitable ointments.

In the second phase, stretch marks become less visible, taking on a pearly hue. However, at this stage, it is no longer possible to remove them with home remedies. With consistent effort, you can only reduce their visibility. Here’s how:

Massage for Stretch Marks

When applying body scrub and body butter, it’s a good idea to massage the affected areas or those prone to stretch marks for at least 10 minutes. Movements should be gentle but firm, and it’s important to ensure they are not painful. A soft-bristle body massage brush can also be used for the massage.

When to stop the massage? The massage should be continued until the skin is slightly reddened, but it should never result in bruising. Bruising can occur if massage tools are used incorrectly. Always work in an upward direction to promote proper blood and lymph flow. Use either circular motions or long, sweeping strokes.

Pregnancy Stretch Marks – Can You Get Rid of Them?

When stretch marks appear during pregnancy, it’s important to start effective care as early as possible. This usually occurs in the second trimester or after the sixth month. Pregnancy stretch marks form due to significant changes in a woman’s body and the stretching of the skin. They can be very difficult to remove after pregnancy, so it’s better to act promptly rather than delay.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

Adequate moisturization and lubrication can help reduce skin dryness, while regenerative ingredients can strengthen the skin’s protective barrier. For newly formed stretch marks, consistency is key. Therefore, safe and effective products should be applied daily during both morning and evening skincare routines.

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